Interior Architecture Master Degree
  Among the great diversity of artistic endeavours, those that play a greater role in giving order, identity and quality to people's living environment have always been given a special attention. In this context, interior architecture has gained a greater significance since it directly engages the home and other spaces in which human beings dwell and tackles the design of these spaces in different scales.
  The masters of Interior Architecture programme follows the undergraduate programmes and has been designed to further enhance the creative and technical skills of the students. The programme aims to produce graduates who have the following capabilities: 
- possessing the artistic and creative thinking from the presentation of initial ideas to development and finally exhibiting the final proposal
- knowledge and understanding of contemporary materials in design and construction of interior spaces
- ability to analyse physical, psychological and spiritual characteristics of people and to examine the mutual effects of space, society and the individual on each other. 
- possessing critical, analytical and strategic thinking:
- critical thinking: ability to criticize, interpret and update one's thoughts and designs in order to guarantee the ability to design
- analytical thinking: studying, investigating and analysing a wide variety of interior spaces and understanding the factors that have influenced the development of these spaces
- strategic thinking: possessing a structured thought process in order to plan and lead interior design projects and propose appropriate design solutions for various design problems
- familiarity with different design styles and their relevant theories in interior architecture and related fields.
- control and composure in designing interior spaces and giving physicality to ideas (from conception of ideas to their presentation of finally the construction of viable proposals)

Although a research based approach is evident throughout the various theoretical classes within this course (through discussions about resource management, human factors in design, analysis of interior spaces, history and theory of interior architecture) this programme is not a study and research based and graduates will have the necessary capabilities to participate in various professional situations and contexts.  

Necessity And Significance
   Interior architecture is among the design disciplines whose practical benefits can be seen in the community in abundance. Interior architecture is useful in the design of large and small exhibitions, stage sets for seminars and conferences, large and small stores, hotels, offices, banks, commercial complexes, houses, railway and subway stations, terminal halls, airports and also the restoration and rejuvenation of monuments.
Today, in the absence of professionally trained interior designers, graduates of other subjects areas such as architects, industrial designers, stage designers and even graphic artists (in the academic-practical levels) and craftsmen and decorators (in the practical and professional level) have stepped in to carry out these types of projects. Thus, it is has long been a necessity to lay the right foundations for training professional interior designers who by relying on their knowledge, experience, talent, art and expertise can take on various projects of this nature. Considering this demand and this necessity, the University of Tehran started the Interior Architecture course with the department of architecture and has been admitting students for the Master of Interior Architecture degree since 2010.
Duration of the Course:
  The duration of the course is four semesters, with three semesters of taught courses and studio work and one semester for the thesis project.
The course is full time and students should be prepared to actively participate in classes and workshops all days of the week.